Hi everyone!! Welcome to the Adventures of Baby Boy Man! Justin and I have family and friends all over who are constantly calling and asking us how our little man is doing. And, as most of you know, we are terrible at returning phone calls, or picking up the phone at all.
So this is going to be one central area that we will keep updated with: pictures, doctors visits, all of his firsts, and anything else we feel that we should share with all of you.
Right now Kevin is around 7lbs. He has a weight check this week, due to the fact that he was in the lower percentile of weight gain at his last check up (weighing in at 6lbs 4oz). But a growth spurt has hit since then and we can't feed this boy enough apparently. He has also grown an inch which now makes him 20in long, and it's all legs.
We have been having some issues with sleeping at night, Kevin thinks 3 am is wide awake time. Which leads to him sleeping all day. Fine for him, frustrating for Mom and Dad. But, I think we make a great team. Justin has been off all month with the restaurant being closed so that has been a huge help.
I think that's all for now. Definitely will post more in the next few days.
Love you all!