
Friday, 31 January 2014

7 pounds 14 ounces


Our goal was 7 pounds 10 ounces and little man went above and beyond.

Kevin had a visit with Dr. Cheryl today where we found out that he has gained 26 ounces in 20 days, which is FANTASTIC. She said that he is growing very well and that even she can tell just by looking at him that he has gotten bigger. He goes back in 2 weeks for his 2 month shots, which I'm sure will be harder on me than him.

We recently changed his diet to strictly formula since it became too painful for me to breastfeed anymore. I was worried that it would stunt his growth, but it seems to be working very well. Which is a huge relief. And to be honest, it's very freeing not having to worry if I am making enough milk.

Well that's about it on Bubby for now. We should start smiling and laughing soon so a video will be soon to come.

Alex, Justin, and Kevin

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